Friday, January 18, 2008

more nds FatNess

So I finally got most of the NDS Fat System loaing work out. It is however taking me a lot longer then I expected to write the file format to save the Presets of all the nds sound channels in a smooth and polymorphic way. Though I am writing mostly in the straight c because, my plan to learn c++ or at least the hierachitical elements of the language, has been put on hold until I finish the this file loader. I have written almost 500 lines of code plus comments, all straight with out compiling which seems really dangerous to me who has never written I file format loader in something like c. I have done basic text processing in php,pearl, ruby, etc but these language are not as complicated as using fread, fwrite, fIwantToConfuseYou... it is maybe not that bad and infact it isn't. Though I isn't a cake walk either. I'm thinking once I get this working I will be pretty much done with Version 1. I'm not sure if I can take the mental abuse to create a version 2 but, I will need to take a serious break before I come back to this. Plus I still have to finish writing the documentation for this software, and finish my thesis about it... oh and I have to finish my music thesis. work work work

1 comment:

celibacyclub said...

hey cool. id like to try this and see if it works for me.